And why not, as Facebook employees receive lots of perk that almost equivalent to their CEO Mark Zuckerberg. However, getting a job here is extremely difficult, as they have one of the toughest rounds of interviews in the industry. So, what do you need to do to get a job at the Menlo Park, California-based giant? Facebook global head of recruiting Miranda Kalinowski and VP of people Lori Goler recently spoke to Business Insider to discuss the company’s hiring process. Both of them mentioned one question that they like to ask in job interviews: “What are you doing on your best day?” “Typically, if we find out about their best day, we can unpack that and really find out what drives them and motivates them,” Kalinowski says. “Whether it’s meeting with clients, coding, or calculating a spreadsheet, it’s going to be different for everyone. That’s the beauty of bringing all these people together.” Irrespective whether or not you are specifically looking to get a job at Facebook, Goler says that it always be a good idea to be prepared for this question. This will help you prepare for the next stepping stone in your career. “Step back and reflect on the things you enjoy doing,” Goler says. “On your very best day, when you go home and you think to yourself, ‘I have the best job ever,’ what were you doing on that day? What were the actual activities that you engaged in on that day? Those are things you should be looking for in your next opportunity.” Check out the video below that shows the best way to answer Facebook’s most popular job interview question: Source: Business Insider