The discovery set the conspiracy theorists and the online UFO community abuzz agog with many of them challenging NASA to explain away the latest glaring evidence of alien UFO traffic around the ISS. One such space enthusiast, Jadon Beeson has demanded NASA explain a “UFO” after an unexplained patch of light in the shape of a Star Wars spacecraft appeared above the earth during a live feed. Beeson was watching a stream of the International Space Station on his iPhone on Tuesday when a strange object appeared in the background. The 20-year-old Brit said NASA “cut the live feed for an hour” after it showed up. He says he has asked NASA explain the “clearly defined UFO”, which was broadcast on NASA’s official app, but they have not responded. UFO conspiracy theorists have long claimed that NASA edits its clips, sniping the controversial parts before releasing the space footages on public domain. They say that Millennium Falcon’ UFO is yet another example of ongoing top-secret “exopolitical” activity in space involving Earth governments and extraterrestrial races that has implications to Earth’s security. Other UFO researchers who also spotted the massive object hovering mysteriously in the background with a distinct blue-glow-infused metallic glint have described it as a “Millennium Falcon-type” UFO, a reference to a type of starship from the popular Star Wars series.