Hoax alert : Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg is not giving his millions to youStop sharing this hoax post, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is not giving away millions of dollars to its users

In the recent days, you may have probably seen messages in your Facebook feed that essentially say Zuckerberg and his wife plan to give away $45 billion dollars to random Facebook users. All you have to do is share a message and tag your friends. This came after Facebook CEO’s announcement in late November that he and his wife Priscilla would be giving away nearly all of their Facebook shares to the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, LLC.

— Q107 Toronto (@Q107Toronto) December 28, 2015 Yes, the Zuckerbergs do plan to give away a large portion of their fortune. But, according to a statement from Facebook, “Friends don’t let friends copy and paste memes. While Priscilla and Mark’s pledge to give money to improve the world is real, not everything you read on the internet is, and they’re not giving it away randomly. Be safe out there, sweepstakes seekers.” The hoax which began earlier this month has several variations by now. But this is what a typical version of the hoax message looks like: THANK YOU, MARK ZUCKERBERG, for your forward-thinking generosity! And congrats on becoming a dad! Mark Zuckerberg has announced that he is giving away $45 billion of Facebook stock. What you may not have heard is that he plans to give 10% of it away to people like YOU and ME! All you have to do is copy and paste this message into a post IMMEDIATELY and tag 5-10 of your friends. At midnight PST, Facebook will search through the day’s posts and award 1000 people with $4.5 million EACH as a way of saying thank you for making Facebook such a powerful vehicle for connection and philanthropy. A lot of people claim to have seen the offer on “Good Morning America,” something that the TV program denied: “Variations of the hoax message have been posted online, with some praising Zuckerberg for his ‘forward-thinking generosity’ and others saying they saw the story verified on ‘Good Morning America,’ which never ran any story about the message but did accurately report Zuckerberg’s original planned $45 billion donation to charity, as did many other media outlets.” While the hoax message floating around is not really dangerous, but it is not going to help anyone either.