The unidentified man, who hails from Cote d’Azur in the south of France, says his ordeal started when he used his wife’s cellphone to log into the app-based taxi company. However, his wife kept getting notifications of everywhere he went even after he logged off, according to the French newspaper Le Figaro. His wife would be notified of the pickup location, destination, and time. This exposed his whereabouts to his wife who deduced that her husband was having an affair, which eventually ended up with the wife filing for a divorce. Apparently, the Uber glitch is not a one-time problem. The problem seems to be limited to the iPhone iOS versions of the app updated after December 16, 2016. The issue was fixed on December 15 in an update. However, philanderers Android users should be safe. Uber’s spokesperson declined to speak to Le Figaro on the matter, saying “Uber doesn’t publicly comment on individual cases, and especially those which concern things such as a divorce procedure”. On the other hand, social media users were having a field day Thursday posting their opinions on the matter throughout the day. “You cheat on your wife, yet Uber is to blame for your divorce?” tweeted Laura Brown. “You’ve Got [sic] to be kidding.” Another wrote, “No guy, your philandering caused your divorce. Uber should just send a hitman. What a loser!” “I think your cheating cost you your marriage!”, tweeted @ Moodylicious Spa. The first hearing of the divorce proceedings is scheduled next month. This isn’t the first run-in Uber has had with the French either. In December, Paris Uber driver’s from the ride-hailing company blockaded French airports in protest of their pay. Source: Le Figaro